Dear valued customer,
Wow the New Year is here, and a sense of relief is around as we said goodbye to 2020, what a year.
Now 2021 has arrived, there seems to be a feeling of optimism in the air, new beginnings, a fresh start, and time to reset. For many, the resolution to make a few changes to our diets and lifestyle is at the forefront of the mind. We might be looking to improve our energy levels, gain or improve strength and resilience to take us positively through the coming year and beyond. It could be that we are looking to reduce the amount of sugar, empty carbs and alcohol that we consume, especially after the Christmas blowout!
A positive attitude and setting goals have been proven, according to research to have a very positive affect on our sense of wellbeing and happiness.
If you are looking to increase your exercise, it does not need to be in the form of extreme pavement hitting, or hours in the gym, of course if that is your thing go for it. However, for many people simple activities like a brisk walk, swimming, dancing, table tennis to name a few, have all shown to be perfectly adequate and beneficial exercises for the heart, joints and general health.
Diet wise, it is always good to address the amount of empty carbs, processed sugars, and alcohol that we consume, reducing those will have a significant effect on health. However a little treat now and then is perfectly fine, in fact it can actually help to take control of negative eating habits, you know the old saying, “The more you deny yourself, the more you want it”, so a little treat is fine.
Along with a healthy varied diet of good quality protein, essential fats, fresh vegetables, and fruit, adding hemp foods into your daily routine is a valuable choice. Our New Zealand grown Hemp seed oil and Hearts are easy to add to your daily routine.
Hemp seed oil is cold pressed from the whole hemp seed. It contains an optimal 3-1 ratio of omegas 3 & 6, including GLA (gamma linolenic acid), which is known to help reduce inflammation. These important fats are known as essential omega fatty acids because our body can’t make them, so we need to consume them from our diets. A tablespoon of hemp seed oil can help to reduce the pain associated with Arthritis, eczema and psoriasis.
Hemp Hearts are the seed with the shell removed. They are incredibly nutrient dense, containing a complete protein, omega fatty acids, plus an array of vitamins, and minerals. Just sprinkle on food such as porridge, salads, and meals, or even blend with water to make a tasty milk, they are so versatile and just great for a snack.
Hemp Hearts are one of nature’s most perfect foods, being packed full of antioxidants like Vitamins E and C, as well as chlorophyll which is wonderful for cleansing the body from toxins. They contain soluble and insoluble fibre which helps to cleanse digestive tract, reducing the toxic burden on the body. Great when you are on a detox. Kiwi Hemp Hearts are also rich in magnesium and potassium, which can help to avoid bloating, muscle pain, cramps.
New Year’s resolutions aside, prioritizing health and wellbeing can only be a positive thing at any time of life. Enjoying the moment, gratitude, laughter, some time barefoot and being with those you love are also very powerful ingredients for a healthy, mind, body, and spirit.
All the very best of success with reaching your goals this year!