Hemp is one of the oldest domesticated crops known to humankind.
There is archaeological evidence that humans were using hemp as long as 8,000 years BC. Hemp plants consist of three main parts; seed, stalk and leaf, all of which have a wide-range uses.
Hemp is often confused with Marijuana, and although both come from the same cannabis species, hemp contains negligible amounts of psychoactive properties (THC) and WILL NOT get you high.
Hemp plants sequester carbon many times faster than trees, while enriching the soil as they grow. Hemp foods and medicinal products provide a wide-array of health benefits. Hemp hurd is sustainable alternative to many environmentally damaging construction materials. Hemp fibre is the strongest natural fibre available, and even stronger when processed with Hemp NZ’s revolutionary decortication machine.
The Many Uses of Hemp
Cooking | Seasoning | Dietary Supplement | Body Care Products | Fuel | Paint
Seed Cake
Flour | Beer | Animal Food
Hemp Nut
Milk | Dairy | Bakery } Granola | Protein Powder
The Many Uses of Hemp
Animal Bedding | Mulch | Compost | Medicine | Recreation
The Many Uses of Hemp
Textiles | Insulation | Rope
Paper | Organic Compost | Animal Bedding | Fibre Board
The Many Uses of Hemp
Medicine | Organic Compost